Mental Health - Ambulance Staff
The facts
According to a BBC report (4 Dec 2018), mental health problems have increased amongst the general population since the early 1990s. It acknowledges that the increase in the number of people affected will be at least partly due to the fact that people feel more able to report their feelings and seek help. However, it also recognises that daily living for most people has become increasingly stressful. This may be due to economic uncertainty, for example, BREXIT, more people especially women working several part-time jobs and having to manage all the tasks with time constants, as well as other unknown factors. Whatever the cause 1 in 4 people will acknowledge that they have mental health issues at any point in time. It is widely believed that this may still be higher, as while it is true that stigma around mental health has lessened, there is still much to do in this area.If you work for the Emergency Services, of course, you will still be exposed to the same stress as everyone else. However, you will be at an increased risk of mental illness than the general population.
Emergency Service staff, including call centre staff & volunteers, experience repeated exposure to traumatic events and will be likely to work shifts, both factors that may contribute to poor mental health Add to that the stigma that still exists and the desire to do the best you can for patients, under increasing pressures due to financial and staff cutbacks, it is not surprising that. Emergency Service workers could have bouts of poor mental health.
Help Available
As mental health issues have been highlighted across all areas, fortunately, there is now more help available.Of course, it is important to seek help if you recognise that you are not functioning as well, as usual, friends and colleagues may notice and be unsure as to help to broach the matter, for fear of causing upset or making things worse. They can contact the organisations listed for advice.
In the first instance, you should talk to someone you trust. Your GP will understand your concerns, about your health and how it may impact upon your work. They will have access to services and if thought necessary be able to prescribe medications, to help in the early stages of your recovery.
Is a charity for ambulance staff. You do not need to be in the NHS, they will support private and voluntary ambulance personnel also.Information can be found at:
Their support line no is:
0800 1032 999
As a charity they rely on help, you can donate via their website or contact them to see how you may help them.
Is another charity that offers information, training and support for members of the emergency services. It may be helpful to visit their pages.This can be found at:
If you need to speak to someone urgently you can click on the link within the page.
The Samaritans is a much respected, excellent organisation that offers support at the end of the phone:116 123 (UK)
116 123 (ROI)
As emergency service workers, you, of course, know that you can call 999. As a member of the emergency services, you should not be afraid to seek the help and support you deserve.Alternatively you can contact us at or fill in the contact form.
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